Hi there! I’m Allison.

I’m a millennial in my 20s that loves budgeting and personal finance. Financial literacy is so important and I want to share my knowlege with others so that they can achieve thier financial goals. 

Millennial Firestarter covers topics for anyone that is looking to build wealth while balancing your personal life and a career. Millennial Firestarter is a resource and network for those who are seeking financial independence and financial freedom.


What is a Firestarter?

Being a Firestarter is about taking control over your own destiny through Financial Independence. Everyone is on a different journey: wealth building, debt payoff, budget management, career development, or work life balance.


Why be a Firestarter?

 Having financial freedom gives you the ability to choose the lifestyle you want. With intentionality, time, and discipline ANYONE can achieve financial independence. The goal of Millennial Firestarter is to help those that are on this path and encourage others that feel that it is out of reach