Having money isn’t always about what you earn, it’s about what you keep. Living below your means is a method for accelerating the process for reaching your financial goals and have financial stability. Here…
When I was in my early 20s, I had reservations about getting my first credit card. I didn’t know much about building credit or why it would be useful to me unless I was…
If you are employed and working for a wage, your next paycheck is never guaranteed. With automation, downsizing, outsourcing, and other forms of operational streamlining a potential job loss is a possibility that everyone…
You may find yourself making huge sacrifices for the sake of saving money. These are some common examples of sacrifices people make to save money that can have negative effects on an individual’s mental…
We live in a time where having a job no longer guarantees financial stability. Having only one source of income can be risky and many people are only one paycheck away from financial ruin.
Are you on the fence between renting or buying a home? There is a common misconception that renting is only for those that cannot afford to buy a home. While owning a home is…
There is no doubt that having money provides an individual a certain level of comfort. If someone does not have enough money to eat, pay rent, or provide for other basic needs then they…
On Twitter, a man shared a sad story about his cousin Alexander E. Kearns who opened a Robinhood account and started day trading. His saw a $700k balance owed on his account and was…
Having an emergency fund can serve as a safety net when unexpected cirumstances come up. No matter what your financial situation is, you should always have funds available to cover fixed expenses. If you…